Research internship In the Quantum Länd
Philéas Thibault, master student in physics at the École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay, has spent three months in our research group for a research internship on neutral atom quantum computing …
Philéas Thibault, master student in physics at the École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay, has spent three months in our research group for a research internship on neutral atom quantum computing …
Christian Hölzl has successfully defended his doctoral thesis entitled “Realization of Alkaline-Earth Circular Rydberg Qubits in Optical Tweezer Arrays” …
‘The Quantum Länd’ team has filed a patent application for a whole set of important building blocks for future quantum computers, including a method for special optical tweezers for individual atoms, a vacuum-compatible electric field control and a novel concept for the realization of a fast qubit.
Together with colleagues from the University of Kaiserslautern, we have developed the open source convenience layer ATOMIQ for the experiment control environment ARTIQ …
In the CiRQus project, we have demonstrated the first trapped circular Rydberg atoms of Strontium …
In our recent experiments, we have realized a novel neutral atom qubit encoded in two metastable fine-structure states …
High-fidelity operations on atomic qubits in optical tweezer arrays require preparation of the atoms as close as possible to standstill …
During a tour of the University of Stuttgart, Minister President Winfried Kretschmann and Minister of Science Petra Olschowksi …
With the start of the winter semester 2022/23, we offer a new advanced lab course on quantum computing at the University of Stuttgart …
Classical emulators of quantum computers provide valuable means to quantify the performance and investigate features of a quantum computing platform …