Novel optical components for quantum applications
Optics and vacuum cells with novel coatings
Setups for quantum computing with neutral atoms require glass cells in which the atomic qubits are prepared in ultra-high vacuum. For laser cooling and quantum state control, many lasers have to be irradiated over a wide spectral and angular range, and high-resolution objectives are used to control the quantum states of individual qubits at the diffraction limit. This motivates us to work on novel coatings for optical components used in our machines providing highest transparancy and extreme acceptance angles.
The QZell Project
As a partner of the QZell consoritum, coordinated by the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF in Jena, we strive for this goal together with our partners from industry. QZell studies the benefits of innovative nanostructured anti-reflection coatings and electromagnetic-shielding thin films for next-generation quantum computers and simulators.

Research within QZell further focuses on design concepts of lens systems and optical bonding strategies. Combined with the investigated coatings, we aim to built ultra-high vacuum compatible glass cells and optical components capable to improve the performance of our Rydberg atom quantum computing and simulation setups at the University of Suttgart.
QZell is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).