Rydberg Quantum Computer Demonstrator
Quantum computing with Rydberg atoms
The race to develop a fully functional quantum computer is on. It is not yet decided which underlying physical principle will prove most successful, especially where upscaling the computer from a mere demonstrator towards a fully functioning device to solve real problems is concerned. So far, the latter is not yet possible and thus a defining goal for current research around the world.
The QRydDemo Project
The QRydDemo project aims to built a quantum computer based on neutral atoms trapped in arrays of optical tweezers. Such arrays can be naturally scaled up to a large amount of atoms, each forming a qubit that can be addressed and read out individually. Our quantum computer QRydDemo aims to achieve control over up to 500 atomic qubits.

Exciting the atoms with lasers to Rydberg states then allows to rapidly switch interactions between the atoms on and off. This enables the implementation of fast and high-fidelity gate operations. Our quantum processor based on the optical tweezer architecture promises lots of exciting new possibilities. One novel aspect we aim to explore, is the potential to reshuffle the qubit array during a quantum computation. We will study the benefits of such a dynamical connectivity for deep quantum circuits to solve real-world problems.
QRydDemo is fundend by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)